PCB - Radio frequency pcb

We produce RF/Microwave pcb using appropriate materials as Woven Glass reinforced PTFE, PTFE Ceramic, Hydrocarbon/Ceramic/Woven Glass, Hydrocarbon Ceramic ecc.
These pcbs can be built mono layer, double layers but multilayer too.
Multilayer can be hybrid; that is what can contain different kind of materials, and in case of Patch antenna for radar applications we can use dielectric Rohacell (foam with about Dk=1)

The printed circuits are also called differently depending on their characteristics, for example:

Single sided
Monolayer and Single side are different ways to identify a printed circuit with a single side or with a single layer of tracks.

Double sided
Double side and bilayer there are different ways to identify a printed circuit with dual sides or with the tracks on both surfaces.

Multilayer MLB are the names that are used to identify multilayer printed circuits with additional layers of internal tracks.

Solder resist or solder mask is what is called the usually green protective layer that limits the welding to only the pads and also leaves the comb connectors and mechanical contacts uncovered, it is often shortened to solder.